The next of the planned foreign field trips, which are arranged by Steel Strip Society for its members and carefully prepared in cooperation with a selected foreign company associated by its development activity and/or production with issues of steel strips and sheets, was realized at the beginning of June 2013. The visit of members of Steel Strip Society was realized after mutual agreement at the company SSAB Tunplant, Borlänge – Sweden, which produces rolled strips made of steel with increased strength and hardness.
The main goal of this field trip was focused on the professional (topical) part, nevertheless for participants of this action was also prepared the accompanying programme that included tourist and historic themes typical of the visited place and its surroundings.
1. 6. 2013 (Saturday) – departure for the field trip: individual transport to the airport Praha. The outbound flight was Scandinavian airlines, arrival to the airport Arlanda – Stockholm in Sweden. Transfer from the airport Arlanda by bus to the hotel Quality hotel Nacka***.
The programme included the evening walk to Old Town – historical core of Stockholm Gamla Stan, which lies on the small island Stadsholmen, sightseeing of the royal palace – Kungliga Huset, cathedral – Domkyrkan and German Catholic church – Tyska kyjan. During outside seating in a local pub in evening hours, when the Sun is not going down for a long time, Gamla Stan is distinguished by its unique atmosphere.
2. 6. 2013 (Sunday) – sightseeing of Stockholm: after breakfast the transport by a privately hired bus to the centre of Stockholm, visit of the city hall Stadhuset. A magnificent view of the city centre with the royal palace – Kungliga Huset, cathedral – Domkyrkan and Swedish parliament – Riksdagen above the level of the third largest Swedish lake Mälaren was opened from its tower. The examination of the unique battleship Vasa of King Gustav Vasa, which was lifted up from the sea bottom after 333 years, followed; then the Transfer by bus to Borlänge in afternoon hours, accommodation at the hotel Quality hotel Galaxen. This hotel is in the neighbourhood of the second largest planetarium of Sweden Kosmorama.
3. 6. 2013 (Monday) – after breakfast the trip to Falun was realized. The town is renowned by copper mining and the whole mining complex, including small houses of labourers, is protected as a UNESCO memory. The visit of the main mine named Falun Kopparbergsgruva followed in the framework of the examination with the tourist guide, who led us to deep underground galleries (to 67 m under the Earth’s surface). This area ranks among the most frequently visited places in central Sweden. In the afternoon we set out on the return journey to Borlänge. In the course of the journey we stopped at the wooden small church Amsbergs Kyrkan of the 16th century and went for a walk in the nature reserve Gyllbergen. This reserve is known by eventful life of birds.
4. 6. 2013 (Tuesday) – field trip to the company SSAB Tunplant was realized. The departure for the field trip (the programme of the field trip was made more precise with the company SSAB), after the field trip the transfer to Uppsala followed. This town is situated only 38 km north of the airport. You can find here the oldest university in North Europe and the university library Carolina Rediviva, where is exhibited, except for many other rare manuscripts, also Silver Bible of the 6th century, captured in Prague during Thirty Years’ War. Not far from this place lies the old part of the town – Gamla Uppsala with burial-mounds of Viking rulers.
5. 6. 2013 (Wednesday) – return home from the airport Arlanda, departure for Prague with Scandinavian Airlines. Transport from Prague was ensured individually.