Strip rolling in the U.S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

91st working seminar of the Steel Strips Society The President of the Steel Strips Society, Ing. Martin Špok, opened the plenary part of the seminar at 9:00 a.m. on October 15, 2024. He first welcomed all those present in the conference room of the KONGRES Hotel Roca, Košice. The guarantor of the seminar, Ing. Norbert […]
UVB Technik and ITA projects, the 90th workshop of the Steel Strips Society

The 90th workshop of the Steel Strip Society was held on 22.4. until 24.4. 2024. Thematically, it was focused on the projects of the companies UVB Technik and ITA.
The future of steel strip rolling from the perspective of carbon neutrality, 89th workshop of the Society of Steel Strips, Hotel Sepetná, Ostravice

The 89th workshop of the Society of Steel Belts was held on 2.10. until 4.10. 2023. Thematically it was focused on the future of steel strip rolling from the point of view of carbon neutrality and the celebration of 50 years since the establishment of the Company.
Production of rollers for cold and hot strip rolling, 88th workshop, Best Western Hotel Vista, Ostrava-Zábřeh

88th workshop of the Steel Strip Society took place from 24.4. to 25.4.2023 in the area of the Best Western Hotel Vista, Ostrava-Zábřeh. The topic of the workshop was “Production of rolls for cold and hot strip rolling”.
Research and development of rolled materials at COMTES FHT a.s. 87th workshop, Plasy.

On 30.10. to November 2, 2022, an SOP workshop was held under the auspices of COMTES FHT, a.s. The plenary session and expert program took place in Plasy. During the professional excursion, we visited the site of the company COMTES FHT, a.s., Dobrany.
Surface finishes. 86th workshop, Ostrava-Petřkovice.

During the plenary session, Ing. Tomáš Studecký and Ing. Pavel Vítoslavský were accepted as members of Steel Strip Society.
The professional part of the seminar was guaranteed by Ing. Jiří Váňa from the EKOMOR company. The traditional excursion took place at the company ŽDB Drátovna a.s.,
Production of sheets and strips for the automotive industry. 85th workshop, Štramberk.

The topic was “Manufacturing of sheets and strips for the automotive industry”. The seminar was under the auspices of Steel Strip Society Executive Board.
Excursion to SSAB Hämmenlinna company, Finlandia.

At the beginning of June 2018, another of the planned professional excursions abroad took place, which are organized by the Steel Strip Society for its members and are carefully prepared in cooperation with a selected foreign company whose development activity or production program is related to the issue of steel strips and sheets. This year, by mutual agreement, the members of the Company visited SSAB Hämmenlinna – Finland, where cold-rolled steel strips with increased strength and hardness are produced.
Special rolled profiles. 84th workshop, Lhotka

On October 14 – 16, 2019, the 84th workshop on the topic “Special rolled profiles” was held for the members of the Steel Strips Society. The seminar was organized by VÚHŽ a.s. in cooperation with the Steel Strips at the Hotel Wellness & Restaurace U Fandy, Lhotka 180, 739 47 Lhotka, Czech Republic.
Field trip to the company SSAB Tunplant – Borlänge, Sweden.

The next of the planned foreign field trips, which are arranged by Steel Strip Society for its members and carefully prepared in cooperation with a selected foreign company associated by its development activity and/or production with issues of steel strips and sheets, was realized at the beginning of June 2013. The visit of members of Steel Strip Society was realized after mutual agreement at the company SSAB Tunplant, Borlänge – Sweden, which produces rolled strips made of steel with increased strength and hardness.