Professionals in the field of research and production of steel strips and sheets
These pages were created with the aim to inform the technical public about activities of Steel Strip Society, which mainly consists in the organization of occupational workshops. Except for information about activities you can also find here a part of our history, the description of the Society organization and other fields of activities.

Steel Strip Society is an association of technologists in the field of research, production and processing of steel strips.
As far as topic is concerned, Steel Strip Society is focused on material issues and issues of the production of semi-products for hot and cold rolling of steel strips, technological process of the production of hot and cold steel strips, controlled rolling (thermomechanical treatment) and heat treatment of steel strips.
Actualities and news from our society
Strip rolling in the U.S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.
91st working seminar of the Steel Strips Society The President of the Steel Strips Society, Ing. Martin Špok, opened the plenary part of the seminar
UVB Technik and ITA projects, the 90th workshop of the Steel Strips Society
The 90th workshop of the Steel Strip Society was held on 22.4. until 24.4. 2024. Thematically, it was focused on the projects of the companies UVB Technik and ITA.
Society activity
Occupational workshops
Workshops prepared for members of the Steel Strip Society are held twice a year, in spring and autumn. They are intended to inform and educate participants about the latest in research, production, materials and overall development in the field of steel strips.
Workshops have always created the main topic of working activities of the Society. Their fundamental concept has since the 1st workshop remained without substantial change. On the agenda of the first day of every workshop (in the part of the plenary session of the Society) are organizational and personal issues, information about the preparation of following workshops or conferences, evaluation of realized actions, etc. In the second part of the day the technical (professional) programme of the workshop follows, where sufficient space is reserved for papers or parallel papers, as the case may be, and for the discussion. In this second part of the workshop the invited representatives of the company/institution which is a guarantee of the current workshop usually take part. On the agenda of the second day is usually a field trip to the plant of the company organizing the workshop, or another accompanying programme is ensured.

Conferences with international participation
Steel Strip Society completely arranged the 5th conference in Opava in 1996, the 6th conference in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm in 2001, the 7th conference in Přerov in 2006, the 8th conference in Stará Lesná on the High Tatras (Slovak Republic) in 2011 and the 9th conference in Mikulov in 2016. Also all future conferences will be completely arranged by the Society, it means that not even the preparation (invitation cards, topical distribution of papers into sections, providing board and lodging services, interpreting, cultural and/or accompanying programme of the conference, financial frame, etc.), but also the actual course of the conference itself (managing the sections, secretariat and information centre, audio-visual aids, etc.).
Society members

you since 1973

Klement Gottwald’s Vítkovice ironworks crews. In the picture, the front melter
of the afternoon shift I. the winning blast furnace Ludvík Pastorek during tapping.
Source: ČTK
The national group of experts “Strip Production” was transformed to “Steel Strip Society” on May 18, 1994 at the foundation meeting in the course of the 38th workshop at Žloukovice. Based on its own memorandum of association (Rule Book), it is a voluntary association of citizens and legal entities joined together in accordance with Law No. 83/90 Sb. In the initial meeting Executive Board was elected, Rule Book was accepted and other organizational issues were negotiated. It is considered very important that original principles and the mode of work were kept to.